Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

Can Dogs Eat Arugula?


If you’re a fan of arugula, you’ve probably heard about its many nutritional benefits. These
include its high mineral content and cancer-fighting potential. It’s also a superfood packed
with vitamins, antioxidants and other phytochemicals. This makes it a perfect addition to
any diet, including one that’s being done vegan or vegetarian. But when it come to can dogs eat arugula, there’s one thing you might not know about this leafy green—it’s actually pretty good for dogs. In fact, it’s safe to eat in moderation; just make sure to only give your dog the greens that are organic and free of any pesticides.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Arugula for Dogs?

If you think about it, there are many reasons to include it in your dog’s diet. For starters, it’s packed with vitamins and minerals.

A single
cup of arugula contains: Vitamin A – Vitamin A helps dogs maintain healthy skin and helps
with bone, teeth and vision.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C, which is also found in citrus fruits, helps with immune function.

Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 helps with a dog’s metabolism and supports healthy skin and hair.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E, also known as a “plant superhero”, helps with skin and coat health
and healthy energy levels.

Iron – Iron is another important nutrient dogs need to stay healthy. It helps with red blood
cell production and energy metabolism.

Calcium – Calcium is important for the integrity of the heart, vessels, bones and nervous

Is Arugula Dangerous for Dogs?


No! Not at all. The nutritional benefits of arugula are reason enough to include it in your
dog’s diet. But it’s not the only thing. Did you know that arugula can be used as a natural
dewormer for your dog? It’s true! The bitterness in the plant makes it unpalatable to
certain animals and can help prevent digestive disorders. Arugula also has antimicrobial
properties, which can kill off harmful bacteria in your dog’s digestive system. The only time
you might consider avoiding arugula is if your dog is allergic to it.

How to Add Arugula to Your Dog’s Diet

If you asked, can dogs eat arugula? You may already know that arugula is a superfood for humans and can be added to salads, sandwiches and more. But what about dogs? Yes, it is safe for your dog to eat a small
amount of arugula, but only in moderation. Some of the best ways to add it to your dog’s
diet are: Add just a few leaves of arugula to your dog’s regular meal.
Give your dog a salad with some arugula mixed in.
Mix some arugula in your dog’s favorite rice and beans recipe.
Use your dog’s favorite kibble and add some arugula.

Is Arugula Safe for Dogs?

Yes! In fact, arugula is one of the most nutritious plants for dogs. In fact, it contains the
same vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as many fruits and vegetables do. Plus, it has few
to no known side effects. The only time you might consider avoiding arugula is if your dog is
allergic to it.
Although there are some nutrient benefits that make arugula an ideal addition to any dog’s
diet, it’s important to consider the overall caloric intake of your dog. While arugula contains
nutrients that can improve health, too much of them can lead to obesity. You can help
ensure your dog stays healthy by monitoring their weight and keeping them active.

Conclusion, Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

This leafy green isn’t for everyone, but if you’re a fan of arugula, you should be eating it. It’s
packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help improve your dog’s overall
health. However, keep in mind that arugula is a supplement to a healthy diet. If your dog
isn’t eating a balanced diet, then arugula shouldn’t be a part of it.

The most important thing to remember when it comes to adding arugula to your dog’s diet
is moderation. Just a few leaves of arugula once a week should be fine. Keep in mind that
like any other plant, there can be dangers to over-consuming arugula. But if you think about it, there are many reasons to include it in your dog’s diet. For starters, it’s packed with vitamins and minerals.

A single cup of arugula
A single cup of arugula contains: 23 calories
4 grams of protein
2 grams of fat
4 grams of carbohydrates
1 milligram of sodium
23 calories
4 grams of protein
2 grams of fat
4 grams of carbohydrates
1 milligram of sodium

If you’re a fan of arugula, you’ve probably heard about its many nutritional benefits. These
include its high mineral content and cancer-fighting potential. It’s also a superfood packed
with vitamins, antioxidants and other phytochemicals. This makes it a perfect addition to
any diet, including one that’s being done vegan or vegetarian. But there’s one thing you
might not know about this leafy green—it’s actually pretty good for dogs. In fact, it’s safe to
eat in moderation; just make sure to only give your dog the greens that are organic and free
of any pesticides. We hope this answered your question, Can Dogs Eat Arugula?

As always here at we believe in feeding your pup a homecooked healthy meal plan. This can greatly improve the health of your dog.

We are not veterinarians though, so if you have questions about your dogs health contact a veterinarian.