Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

Can Dogs Eat Cashews? The Answer Is, Yes! 

dog eating cashews

When you hear the word “cashew,” you probably think of a rich and creamy dessert, not a healthy snack option for your pet! However, this tree-nutty looking treat is actually very healthy and nutritious for your dog. Cashews are an excellent source of copper and several B vitamins. They are also rich in zinc and magnesium, which can be difficult for your dog to get in sufficient quantities from other sources. 

But can dogs eat cashews? The answer is yes! Cashews are a safe, nutritious snack for your dog. Read on for more information about feeding your dog cashews and alternatives you can offer instead. 

Can Dogs Eat Cashews? 

 Your dog can absolutely eat cashews! There are a few things you should know before you give your dog cashews as a snack, however. They should only be given as a treat and a very occasional one at that. 

Cashews are difficult for your dog to digest. This means they will pass through your dog’s system fairly quickly without being broken down into absorbable nutrients. 

If you choose to give your dog cashews as a treat, try giving them in moderation. Feeding your dog cashews as a regular snack is not recommended. 

Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Why They Should 

We answered can dogs eat cashews? But why? Cashews are a good source of protein and healthy fats. They are also a good source of minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. 

Many of the vitamins and minerals found in cashews are necessary for your dog’s healthy growth and development. These include vitamin B6, B9 (folate), B2, B1 (thiamin), B3 (nicotinamide), B5 (phosphorus), and B12. 

And the list goes on! Phytochemicals found in cashews include resveratrol, a natural antioxidant, and tannin, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. 

Can Dogs Eat Cashews? How to Feed My Dog Cashews 

You can give your dog raw cashews as a treat, but they are easier to digest if your dog eats them roasted. Simply soak raw cashews in water for at least 8 hours or overnight. Then drain and dry the cashews, and place them in a baking sheet or in an oven set to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Allow the cashews to roast for about 30 minutes, or until they are fragranced and a light brown in color. Give them a shake every 5 minutes or so, until they are cool enough to handle. Then, carefully remove the skins and let your dog enjoy the nutritious treat! 

You can also try adding roasted cashews to your dog’s regular food. Be sure to give your dog the cashews after he has eaten the rest of his food so they are easier to digest. 

Can Dogs eat Cashews? Nutritional Benefits of Cashews  

Cashews are rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber. They provide your dog with essential protein, magnesium, and zinc, which are important for bone health. 

Cashews are also good for your dog’s digestive health. They slow the rate at which your dog’s stomach empties after he eats, which keeps his gut bacteria (the good guys!) happy and healthy. 

And, cashews are excellent for your dog’s teeth and gums. The minerals found in cashews help to build your dog’s teeth and keep his gums healthy and strong. 

Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Yes, Serving Suggestions  

For the best nutritional value, try to feed your dog raw cashews as a treat. 

A good serving size for your dog is two tablespoons. Just be aware that two tablespoons of cashews contains roughly 160 calories, 2.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 8 grams of fat. 

Conclusion of, Can Dogs Eat Cashews? 

Your dog can eat cashews! They are a healthy, easy to make snack that provides your dog with excellent nutritional benefits. Be sure to give your dog the occasional serving as a treat and choose healthier snack options for regular consumption.  

As always here at we believe in feeding your pup a home cooked healthy meal plan. This can greatly improve the health of your dog.

We are not veterinarians though so if you have questions about your dogs health contact a veterinarian.